Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Bug Art

Bugs, bugs, everywhere! To wrap up our insect study in our 1st/2nd grade blended classroom, we had "The Bug Chicks" come for a visit! What an amazing, hands-on experience! The students were able to hear a cockroach hiss, watch a tarantula named Cookie Monster scurry around, as well as observe, learn about, and handle other types of insects. A highly recommended experience!

To wrap up our unit, I decided to have the kids do a fun art project and writing activity allowing them to apply what they had learned. The students put their knowledge to the test when they pretended they were real entomologists who had discovered a new insect. First, they designed their little creature giving it various "parts" that we had discussed. Most students decided it was important to make sure their insect had 3 distinct parts and 6 legs.

Students first used pencils to draw their bugs. They were encouraged to fill various parts of their insect with interesting patterns and lines. Students then traced their drawing with permanent black pens. Lastly, they used watercolor paints to make their insect beautiful!

To elaborate on the art project, students used a newspaper template found online to create their own news article. We titled our newspaper "The Daily Bug" and students wrote a front page article about their discovery! 

Hope your kids aren't too big of "bugs" before the holiday break..Hang in there fellow teachers!

Katelyn, Abby & Liesel

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